Maria C. San Jorge, M.D.
New Patient FAQ

How long are checkups?
We always allow ample time to ask our questions and answer yours. Most checkups will vary from 30-45 minutes depending on the age of your child.

When do I schedule the first visit for my newborn?
We recommend you schedule your newborn’s first visit 1-3 days after being discharged from the hospital.

Do you have same-day appointments for sick visits/allow walk-ins?
We ask that parents call for a same-day appointment, rather than walk-in, so that we can find the best time to see your child. Having an appointment will minimize your wait time and also limit exposure risk to newborns and other potentially vulnerable patients.

What if my child is sick in the evening or on the weekend?
We close at 7:00pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Someone is accessible 24hrs everyday, and can be reached by calling the main office number. If the office is closed, you will be prompted to leave a message for the doctor and a provider will be paged. You also have the option to leave any non-urgent messages on a “general” mailbox to be returned during regular business hours.

What is your cancellation policy?
A scheduled appointment must be cancelled (or rescheduled) at least 24 business hours in advance, or a $25 late cancel or no show fee will be assessed. This fee is not billable to any insurance carrier. If you have a well check scheduled and are more than 15 minutes late, we will have to reschedule your child's appointment. Please understand that if a patient is late, cancels or does not show for an appointment, another patient in need of medical services cannot be seen at that time. Help us to serve our patients better by keeping scheduled appointments.

How do I transfer records?
You must sign a record release (see patient forms) and give it to us to have your records transferred from your previous pediatrician. We can also fax this to your previous pediatrician for you so there is no charge.

What if I want to delay vaccines?
​Dr. San Jorge and staff believe in both the safety and effectiveness of vaccines in preventing serious illness and saving lives. As a pediatrician, her priority is the health and well being of your children. She practices “preventive” medicine from birth to give her patients the advantages that will lead to a long and healthy life. All available research shows that the safest and most effective way to vaccinate children is according to the schedule set by the CDC and AAP. If you wish to delay vaccines, your child can be put on an alternative immunization schedule. Insurances do not pay for alternative immunization scheduling, so a $30 fee will be collected before each immunization visit. If you wish to decline vaccines, Dr. San Jorge requests you sign a Vaccine Refusal form created by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

What lab procedures are done in the office?
​We perform most standard pediatric diagnostics in the office, including: school-age hearing, vision screening, urinalysis, rapid streps and rapid flu tests. For most other lab tests, we collect a culture from your child and send it to your participating lab. For blood work, we will write a requisition to your participating lab. Most lab results are available after 48 hours.

When will my phone call be returned?
​Dr. San Jorge returns all her phone calls herself. During office hours, the time it takes to return a phone call varies depending on how busy the office is and the severity of your child’s issue. If you are calling after hours, we ask that you give Dr. San Jorge an hour to get back to you as she may be traveling and unable to receive the page immediately or may be assisting another patient at that time.